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Feel Amazing In Respectful Fairfield
Inspiring and Encouraging
Learning and Development

Victorian Day

On Wednesday the 4th November the children from Year 3 and 4 travelled back in time to the Victorian era.

On Wednesday the 4th November the children from Year 3 and 4 travelled back in time to the Victorian era.

Through the help of the fantastic Victorian Headteacher (Mr Murphy) the children experienced what it would have been like to attend a Victorian school.  The children took part in activities focused on the Three Rs, 'Reading, WRiting and ARithmetic'.  The children also completed school PE drills and experienced Victorian playground games.

James Roberts (Class Byron): 'I loved writing using a dip pen and black ink from out of an inkwell'.

Dilys Williams (Class Milton): 'I loved dressing up in traditional Victorian clothing'.

A fantastic way to start our new Autumn topic 'Children of the Revolution'.

Diolch pawb!

Victorian Day
 Victorian Day   Victorian Day
  Victorian Day   Victorian Day
  Victorian Day   Victorian Day
  Victorian Day   Victorian Day
  Victorian Day   Victorian Day
  Victorian Day