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Feel Amazing In Respectful Fairfield
Inspiring and Encouraging
Learning and Development

Vaughan Gething AM visits Fairfield

We had a wonderful end to our first week back, with Vaughan Gething AM visiting Fairfielde this morning.

We had a wonderful end to our first week back, with Vaughan Gething AM visiting Fairfield this morning.

He joined in our Achievement Assembly giving encouraging words on our value of 'persistence' and handing out achievement awards to the children.

School Council then gave Mr Gething an informative tour of the school, pointing out our wonderful new Reception building that Dosbarth Derbyn are now working in.  He saw lots of children working at Big Maths and Big writing and he talked to us about our favourite books and our new school topics.

 Vaughan Gething visits Fairfield   Vaughan Gething visits Fairfield
  Vaughan Gething visits Fairfield   Vaughan Gething visits Fairfield